Traditional Services
by Dr. Bansidhar


    Colonoscopy is a safe, effective method of examining the full lining of the colon and rectum using a long, flexible, tubular instrument. It is used to diagnose colon and rectum problems and to perform biopsies and remove colon polyps. Most colonoscopies are done on an outpatient basis with minimal inconvenience and discomfort.

Colon Cancer Surveillance and Screening

    Many polyps and cancers of the colon and rectum do not produce symptoms until they become fairly large. Screening involves one or more tests performed to identify whether a person with no symptoms has a disease or condition that may lead to colon or rectal cancer. The goal is to identify the potential for disease or the condition early when it is easier to prevent or cure. Surveillance involves testing people who have previously had colorectal cancer or are at increased risk. Because their chance of having cancer is higher, more extensive or more frequent tests are recommended.

Rectocele Treatment

    Medial Treatment - The first step is a bowel management program. This includes a diet high in fiber and 6 to 8 glasses of fluids each day. Avoid prolonged straining. Holding pressure with a finger to support the rectocele and encourage the stool to go in the correct direction is often helpful. A pessary may be used to support the pelvic organs. It is a ring that is inserted into the vagina and must be individually fit to each woman.

    Surgical Treatment - There are several surgical techniques used to repair a rectocele. A rectocele repair may be performed through the anus, through the vagina, through the perineum between the anus and vagina, or from above through the abdomen. When there is extensive pelvic relaxation and prolapse, the best approach may be a combined repair.

Rectal Prolapse Treatment

    An abdominal repair treatment may be approached laparoscopically in selected patients. The decision to recommend an abdominal or rectal surgery takes into account many factors, including age, physical condition, extent of prolapse and the results of various tests.

Pruritis Ani Treatment

    A careful examination by a colon and rectal surgeon or other physician may identify a definite cause for the itching. Your physician can recommend treatment to eliminate the specific problem. Treatment of pruritus ani may include these three points.

Pilonidal Cystic Disease

    The treatment depends on the disease pattern. An acute abscess is managed with an incision and drained to release the pus, and reduce the inflammation and pain. This procedure usually can be performed in the office with local anesthesia. A chronic sinus usually will need to be excised or surgically opened.

Hemorrhoids Treatment

    Mild symptoms of hemorrhoids can frequently be relieved by increasing the amount of fiber and fluids in the diet. Elimination of excessive straining reduces the pressure on hemorrhoids and helps prevent them from protruding. A sitz bath can also provide some relief. More serious hemorrhoids can require minor surgical measures.

Anal Warts Treatment

    If warts are very small and are located only on the skin around the anus, they may be treated with a topical medication. They may also be treated in the office by a physician by freezing the warts with liquid nitrogen, or they may be removed surgically. Warts inside the anal canal usually are not suitable for treatment by medications and in most cases need to be treated surgically.

Anal Abscess / Anal Fistula Treatment

    An abscess must be drained by making an opening in the skin near the anus to drain the pus from the infected cavity and thereby relieve the pressure. Often, this can be done in the doctor’s office using a local anesthetic. Surgery is necessary to cure an anal fistula. Although fistula surgery is usually relatively straightforward, the potential for complication exists, and is preferably performed by a specialist in Colon and Rectal Surgery. It may be performed at the same time as the abscess surgery, although fistulas often develop four to six weeks after an abscess is drained, sometimes even months or years later.

Traditional Services

Colon Cancer Surveillance and Screening
Ulcerative Colitis Treatment
Rectocele Treatment
Rectal Prolapse Treatment
Pruritis Ani Treatment
Pilonidal Cystic Disease
Hemorrhoids Treatment
Anal Warts Treatment
Anal Abscess/Anal Fistula Treatment

Advanced Treatments

Aquaprep™ "Prep-less Colonoscopy”
Hereditary Colon Cancer
Pelvic Floor Disorders / Bowel Incontinence
Robotic Assisted Colon Surgery
Laparoscopic Surgery

Contact Us

Dr. Brian Bansidhar
Presque Isle Colon & Rectal Surgery
4125 West Ridge Road • Erie, PA 16506

Phone: (814) 833-1119
Fax: (814) 833-1138
